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Mau Dapat Diskon Atau Gratisan Di Hari Ulang Tahunmu? Datanglah Ke-5 Tempat Ini

Hi Beautiful Ladies!!

Selamat bulan Januari 2017!! (Padahal ini sudah Februari). Agak telat sebenarnya ketika kefikiran menulis postingan ini, karena kesibukan (sok banget) mengurus kerjaan dan rumah tangga jadi lah baru sempat nulis hari ini. Kebetulan juga diluar hujan belum mau berhenti.
Buat saya bulan favorit adalah Januari (yak iya lah). Buat yang belum tahu kenapa, saya kasih bocoran nih. Alsannya karena kebanyakan wanita kece itu lahir di bulan Januari (langsung dilempar sendal sama wanita-wanita yang lahir di bulan lain). Eits...itu pernyataan bukan murni dari saya loh. Seorang teman (ciee teman..) dulu pernah membuat pernyataan seperti itu. Mungkin karena mantan-mantannya lahir di bulan Januari kali yak (eh...peace teman!).
Sudah lah kita lupakan dulu masalah teman saya itu. Kembali ke Januari kenapa jadi favorit saya? Yah masa gitu aja kalian gak ngerti sih. Iya...itu bulan kelahiran saya. Nah karena wanita yang lahir di Januari itu kece-kece (gak ada hubungannya sih), maka dari itu buat kalian yang sedang berulang tahun atau nantinya akan berulang tahun saya kasih tempat untuk dapet gratisan atau diskon di hari ultah mu. Yuk simak!

1. Starbucks Coffee

Jika kalian penggemar kopi dan suka sekali ngopi di Starbucks mungkin kalian sudah tahu kalau pemegang Starbucks Card mendapat beberapa keuntungan. Salah satunya adalah kalian akan mendapat 1 minuman gratis ukuran grande jika membeli kue/makanan pada hari ulang tahun. Kamu tinggal beli kue/makanan dengan harga termurah supaya kamu bisa dapetin minuman rasa apa saja ukuran grande secara cuma-cuma. Buat yang tinggal sekitaran Cikarang bisa coba datengin Starbucks di Farmer Market Cikarang Baru.


Tempat makan ini lumayan sering saya datangi waktu jaman kuliah. Kalau dulu sih harganya lumayan terjangkau buat mahasiswa yang mau makan seafood. Lagipula menu seafood yang dipesan paling banter udang..hahaha. Di D'cost kalian bisa dapat diskon di hari ulang tahun. Diskonnya sesuai dengan usia kalian, misal usia kalian 25 kalian akan mendapatkan diskon 25% untuk semua makanan dan minuman yang dipesan. Tetapi harus 10 orang. Jadi kalau bingung mau traktir teman dimana, coba saja ke D'cost supaya bisa dapat diskon dan jangan lupa membawa KTP ya. D'cost disekitaran Cikarang ada di Mall Lippo Cikarang dan Sentra Grosir Cikarang.


Siap yang suka makan pecel lele? Makanan murmer yang mudah ditemukan dipinggir jalan (street food). Kalian bisa coba yang agak beda, yaitu Pecel Lele Lela. Makan lele ala-ala restaurant gitu. Pecel Lele Lela juga salah satu tempat makan favorit jaman kuliah dulu. Soalnya murah..hehehe. Di tempat makan ini ada gratis 1 porsi lele original, nasi dan es teh manis buat kalian yang berulang tahun. Kalau di daerah Cikarang seingat saya ada di Cikarang Baru.


Buat cewek-cewek penggemar The Body Shop pasti tau dong dulu member TBS yang berulang tahun pasti dapet hadiah Body Lotion. Tapi setelah searching baru-baru ini ketentuan tersebut sudah tidak berlaku lagi. Sekarang member yang berulang tahun mendapat diskon 15% untuk pembelian produk apapun. Yah..padahal belum sempet dapet hadiah kan. Counter TBS bisa kamu temukan di Mall Lippo Cikarang dan City Walk Lippo Cikarang.

5. Ayam Bakar Mas Mono

Kebanyakan daftar tempat makannya dengan harga terjangkau ya. Yak iya lah hemat..haha. Kalau pas ulang tahun makan di tempat ini, kamu bakal dapat satu porsi ayam bakar, nasi dan es teh manis gratis. Buat kalian mahasiswa (lagi..lagi..) tempat makan ini bisa jadi pilihan kok. 

Sepertinya ada beberapa tempat makan atau belanja yang mungkin memberikan gratisan atau diskon hari ulang tahun selain yang saya sebutkan diatas. Kalau misalnya kalian lebih tahu boleh share melalui komen dibawah ya. Supaya yang lain juga bisa coba gratisan atau diskonnya.
Intinya kalau mau dapat gratisan pas ulang tahun kalian harus cari informasi selengkap-lengkapnya mengenai ketentuannya. Jangan lupa bawa KTP or fotocopy KTP kalian, karena ada beberapa tempat makan yang meminta fotocopy KTP sebagai bukti. Sekali-kali di hari spesial ulang tahun boleh lah coba makan gratis atau dapat diskonan. Ulang tahun mu dijamin lebih seru!! Kalau sudah jangan lupa share juga pengalaman kalian ya dikomen box. See you on next post!!

Personal: Re-Introduce My Self (TMI Tag)

Hello beautiful ladies! It's Tuesday when I write this post. I am getting bored with my daily work activity. This feels is getting worst and it's decreased my work performance. Huft..
Anyway, I always find a way to turn up my mood. Do randomize things is best healing for me. Like this way. I was found post at one of my blog roll. Her blog is about traveling and lifestyle.
One of posts is kinda TMI tag. Well I try to answer the questions and I hope it will refresh me 

  • Who is your hero? My Mama
  • If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Quebec, Canada 
  • What is your biggest fear? Left behind
  • What is your favorite family vacation? When I was 5, we were go to local zoo.
  • What would you change about yourself if you could? I want mono eye lid and 170 Cm tall
  • What really makes you angry? Break a promise.
  • What motivates you to work hard? 26th of each month..lol.
  • What is your favorite thing about your career? Being able travel to remote areas.
  • What is your biggest complaint about your job? Uncooperative colleague
  • What is your child's proudest accomplishment? I don't have kids, yet :)
  • What is your favorite book to read? Partikel
  • What makes you laugh the most? Running Man.
  • What was the last movie you went to? What did you think? Miss Peregrine and The Peculiar Children. When you watch movie that came from a novel, what would you expect?
  • What did you want to be when you were small? Stewardess
  • If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? Go to Quebec in early morning then back home at night.
  • What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play? I love watching foot ball, but my hubby is playing basket ball so I love basket ball also hahaha. I'm not good at any kind of sports.
  • Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car? Ride a bike, motorcycle better.
  • What would you sing at Karaoke night? I don't like Karaoke!
  • What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most? I don't have a car.
  • Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house? I prefer do laundry and iron. But wash dishes is OK.
  • If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work? Cleaning maybe.
  • If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Indomie.. Really unhealthy choice.
  • Who is your favorite author? Dee Lestari
  • Have you ever had a nickname? What is it? I have a lot of nickname, my family call me Ayu, My school friends call me Ray and my college friends call me Hayu.
  • Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not? Of course I like..I'm still normal.
  • In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read? watch movie with my hubby
  • Would you rather vacation in Hawaii or Alaska, and why? Hawaii...I love beach.
  • Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job? And why? Perfect Job
  • Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island? My hubby
  • If money was no object, what would you do all day? Drawing, sewing, crafting and blogging
  • If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to? 90's. #genersi90an
  • How would your friends describe you? Talkactive.
  • What are your hobbies? Drawing, reading novels, any kind of sewing and crafting project.
  • What is the best gift you have been given? A video.
  • What is the worst gift you have received? Permen Relaxa
  • Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without? Smartphone of course.
  • Where do you see yourself in five years? I'd be a Mom with twins (girl and boy), be a professional blogger or maybe an influencer.
  • How many pairs of shoes do you own? More than 5, maybe. I don't know..
  • If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have? Mind control
  • What would you do if you won the lottery? I don't want that happened
  • What form of public transportation do you prefer? (air, boat, train, bus, car, etc.) Train and bus
  • What's your favorite zoo animal? Lion
  • If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be? I....can't answer this question. 
  • If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be? My mama, My sister, My Dad, My Husband.
  • How many pillows do you sleep with? Just one.
  • What's the longest you've gone without sleep (and why)? Trip to Semarang, I have to accompany my friend to drive.
  • How often do you buy clothes? Not that often. I am the type of person who rarely buy clothes.
  • Have you ever had a secret admirer? Umm..maybe. I don't know.
  • What's your favorite holiday? Idul Fitri
  • What's the most daring thing you've ever done? Body rafting, or... 
  • What was the last thing you recorded on TV? I never record anything on TV, yet.
  • What was the last book you read? Belly Laugh (yup...that's right!)
  • What's your favorite type of foreign food? I don't have favorite foreign food. Indonesian food is the best food for me.
  • Are you a clean or messy person? Not that clean, but not too messy.
  • Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? Maudy Ayunda yess or Sherina Munaf.
  • How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 30 until 40 minutes.
  • What kitchen appliance do you use every day? Dispenser? 
  • What's your favorite fast food chain? Pizza Hut
  • What's your favorite family recipe? Soto ayam
  • Do you love or hate rollercoasters? I love rollercoasters, but now I wouldn't dare to ride again..haha.
  • What's your favorite family tradition? Cook for lebaran.
  • What is your favorite childhood memory? When I was kid, every Saturday after school I always watch that movie together with my friends on the neighborhood.
  • What's your favorite movie? The Lord Of The Ring.
  • Is your glass half full or half empty? Half full.
  • What's the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love? I can't tell on public..hahahaha.
  • What three items would you take with you on a deserted island? Books, blanket and Indomie.
  • What was your favorite subject in school? Biology that's why I am Chemist now.
  • What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? I never eat unusual thing.
  • Do you collect anything? Lipstick and craft material.
  • Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Extrovert.
  • Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest? My hearing.
  • Have you ever had a surprise party? (that was an actual surprise) Ya, I have.
  • Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous? My cousin is Jenifer Lawrence
  • What do you do to keep fit? Honestly I never do exercise because I don't like sport. But I try to bike or jogging at weekend. Ah..and I drink plenty water everyday.
  • Who was your favorite teacher in school and why? My art teacher. She so...freaking awesome.
  • What three things do you think of the most each day? Work, Eat and Home.
  • If you had a warning label, what would yours say? "Don't judge easily!"
  • What song would you say best sums you up? Back to front- Early Hour.
  • What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee? Taylor Lautner in human costume.
  • Who was your first crush? I don't remember.
  • What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window? Flower.
  • On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are? 2 or 3.
  • Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Standing below maple tree in Quebec.
  • What was your first job? Private Teacher.
  • How many languages do you speak? Just Indonesia and English.
  • If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be? Panda. 
  • What is one thing you will never do again? Drink Coffee.
  • Who knows you the best? My husband.

Fiuh... It's fun to answer the questions.You have to try this too. So please answer the questions above and let me know about you. Tag me. Thank you.. See you!!
